// Base colors. DO NOT IMPORT BASE-COLORS.LESS FILE HERE. // If you want to add some new colors, add them directly to this file @sb_active: @sb_base_color; @border_slot_color: #e9e9e9; @sb_active_font: contrast(@sb_active, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); @btn_color: if((iscolor(@btn_color_1)), @btn_color_1, @sb_base_color); @formThemeColor: @sb_base_color; @svg-base-color: fade(@formThemeColor, 99.9%); //.product-item .preloader{ // svg * { // fill: none; // } //} .product-item .paid-attr__picture svg, .products-items-list .product-item .preloader svg{ path[stroke] {stroke: @sb_base_color;} path[fill] {fill: @sb_base_color;} circle[stroke] {stroke: @sb_base_color;} circle[fill] {fill: @sb_base_color;} } .sb-cell { cursor: pointer; &.free { &.hovered, &:hover { background-color: @sb_active; color: @sb_active_font; } &.buffertime { background-image: url('/v2/images/admin/icons/pattern.png'); } } &.breaktime, &.reserved, &.busy_time, &.busy { opacity: .4; cursor: not-allowed; } } .is-widget.line .min-content--line-widget #header.widget.line .nav-trigger, #sb-timeline #steps #steps-content #sb_booking_content .datetime-step #sb_timeview_container .timeline-wrapper .flexible-weekly-inner .content-container #sb_time_flexible_weekly_container .data-col .time-container .time-slot.free.wl-slot{ background: @sb_base_color; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); a{ color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } &:hover{ background: darken(@sb_base_color, 4%); color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); a{ color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } } } .pwa-app--btn, .invoice-pay-page-grid form input[type='submit'], .invoice-pay-page-grid form input[type='button'], .invoice-pay-page .invoice-payment-systems .invoice-payment-systems-info.payment-modal .btn-primary, .alert--no-slots-btn-bar .btn{ background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); &:hover{ background: darken(@btn_color, 4%); color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } } #header .nav-wrapper .items-wrapper .nav-item#book-btn .book-btn-container .item-container { background-color: @sb_base_color; } #sb-timeline #steps #steps-content #sb_booking_content .datetime-step #sb_timeview_container .slots-view.as-table .timeline-wrapper #sb_time_slots_container .slot { border-right: 1px solid fade(@sb_base_color, 70%); border-bottom: 1px solid fade(@sb_base_color, 70%); &:nth-of-type(5n) { border-right: none; } @media (max-width: 767px) { &:nth-of-type(3n) { border-right: none; } &:nth-of-type(5n) { border-right: 1px solid fade(@sb_base_color, 70%); } } @media (max-width: 575px) { border-right: none; &:nth-of-type(2n - 1) { border-right: 1px solid fade(@sb_base_color, 70%); } } a { background-color: @sb_base_color; color: @light_font_color; &:hover, &:focus { background-color: @sb_base_color !important; } } } .back-to-services { color: @dark_font_color; &:hover, &:focus { color: @dark_font_color; } } .classes-modal .tab .plugin-group-booking .ui-slider { background: @sb_base_color; } #header .nav-wrapper #sb_menu .nav #sb_appended_menu_item ul li.active a { color: @sb_base_color; } #header .nav-wrapper .items-wrapper .nav-item#sb_client_info .login-container .full-info #sb_login_form .not-logged .bar .btn-bar--row{ .btn--sign-up{ border: 2px solid @btn_color; color: @btn_color; background-color: #fff !important; &:hover { background-color: #fff !important; border: 2px solid darken(@btn_color, 10%); color: darken(@btn_color, 10%); } } } .btn--next-available-date{ background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } .btn--next-available-date:active, .btn--next-available-date:focus, .btn--next-available-date:hover{ background: darken(@btn_color, 4%); color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } #sb_terms_and_conditions a { color: @sb_base_color; } .remind-pass { color: @sb_base_color; } #news-index .news-list .article .bar .read-more a { color: @sb_base_color; } .page--line-liff .btn-bar .btn, #reviews-view .add-review .form .send-btn-container button { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } .time-legend .unavailable .circle { opacity: .4; } #sb-timeline #steps #steps-content #sb_booking_content .datetime-step #sb_timeview_container .timeline-wrapper .grid-weekly-inner table .btn { background-color: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } #sb-timeline #steps #steps-content #sb_booking_content .datetime-step #sb_timeview_container .timeline-wrapper .grid-weekly-inner table td .data-trigger { color: @sb_base_color; } .invoice-pay-page .promo-code-input .custom-form .promo-btn { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } .service-bar__icon .icon.icon-reccuring .fa { color: @dark_font_color; } .datepicker-button .btn-link { color: @sb_base_color; } .plugin-group-booking .ui-slider, #membership-plugin .btn-with-icon, #membership-plugin .mb.btn-bar .active-container .wrapper, .plugin-group-booking .ui-slider { background: @btn_color; } #membership-view .sb_changed_filter_item { background-color: @sb_base_color; color: @light_font_color; } #membership-plugin .btn-with-icon a.wrapper, #membership-plugin .mb.btn-bar .active-container .wrapper, #membership-view .mb.btn-bar a.wrapper { color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } #membership-plugin .see-more a { color: #ffffff; } #membership-view .mb.btn-bar .active-container a.wrapper, #membership-view .mb.btn-bar .info-container a.wrapper { background: @btn_color; } .custom-checkbox input:checked + .custom-label { border-color: @sb_base_color; background-color: @sb_base_color; } #sb_booking_content .tab .btn.select, #sb_time_classes_service_container .btn.select, .package-content .btn.select { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); a { color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } } .item .read-more, .membership-item .read-more { color: @sb_base_color; } #membership-view #sb_membership_list_container .membership-item .purchased, .modal-dialog .modal-content .modal-header { background-color: @sb_base_color; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); a { color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } } .custom-radio input:checked + label { border: 2px solid @sb_base_color; } .custom-radio input:checked + label:before { background-color: @sb_base_color; } .license-modal a { color: @sb_base_color; } .sb-widget-form .buttons .send-message-button { background: @sb_base_color; } #remind-password .bar #sb_remind_btn { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } #footer .cookies .wrapper { .text { color: @sb_text_color; } .btn { background-color: @btn_color; } a { color: @sb_base_color; &.link { color: @sb_cancellation_color; } } } #footer a { color: @sb_base_color; } .empty-week-time-part { .btn-next-week { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } } // Pagination .pagination-wrapper a, .pagination-wrapper span { color: @dark_font_color; &:hover { background-color: @sb_base_color; color: @light_font_color; } &.current { background-color: @sb_base_color; color: @light_font_color; } } #sb_gdpr_report_module_container #sb_gdpr_email_form .content .form-container .btn { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } #sb_gdpr_send_email_container .btn-send-code, #sb_gdpr_send_code_container .btn-get-report { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } .tab.tab-col.get-gdpr-info-modal .full-info .close-full-info { background: @sb_base_color; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } #footer #sb_scroll_top_btn { background-color: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); &:hover { background-color: fade(@btn_color, 70%); } } .error-card .redirect-block .block .btn { background-color: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); &:hover { background-color: darken(@btn_color, 10%); } } .invoice-pay-page .custom-title { background-color: @sb_base_color; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } .invoice-payment-systems #sb_pay_btn { background-color: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } .invoice-deposit-info .btn { background-color: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } .invoice-pay-page .invoice-btn-bar .btn { background-color: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } .invoice-pay-page .promo-code-input .custom-form .btn { background-color: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } .invoice-pay-page #sb_invoice_pager_container .pagination-wrapper .arrow, .invoice-pay-page #sb_invoice_pager_container .pagination-wrapper a { &:hover { background-color: @sb_base_color; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } &.current { background-color: @sb_base_color; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } } .invoice-pay-page .to-invoices-list:hover { color: @sb_base_color; } .invoice-pay-page .accordion .accordion-header .title { color: @dark_font_color; } .pdf-invoice .invoice-top { border-bottom: 2px solid @sb_base_color; } .pdf-invoice .invoice-top .name { color: @sb_base_color; } .pdf-invoice .general-table thead { background: @sb_base_color !important; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color) !important; } .pdf-invoice .general-table .table thead > tr > th { border: 1px solid @sb_base_color; } .btn-invoice { background-color: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); &:hover, &:focus, &:active, &:visited { color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } } .invoice-table a { color: @sb_base_color; } .accordion a { color: @sb_base_color; } .current-booking-info .info a { color: @sb_base_color; } .wrap-client-info-view .back-button { color: @dark_font_color; } .wrap-client-info-view .client-info-view .btn-bar .btn { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); border-color: @btn_color; } .btn.start-date-btn, .start-date-btn { a, .sb_start_date { color: @sb_base_color; } } #reviews-view .add-review .info .name { color: @sb_base_color; } #sb-timeline #steps #steps-content #sb_booking_content .location-item .address a { color: @sb_base_color; } .sb-widget-form .buttons .open-booking-widget-button { color: @sb_base_color; } .btn-classes { background-color: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); &:hover, &:focus, &:active, &:visited { text-decoration: none; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } } @media print { .pdf-invoice .general-table thead th { background: @sb_base_color !important; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color) !important; } } /* Grid weekly timeline */ #sb-timeline #steps #steps-content #sb_booking_content .datetime-step #sb_timeview_container .timeline-wrapper .grid-weekly-inner .top-inline-steps .parts-of-day .btn, #sb-timeline #steps #steps-content #sb_booking_content .datetime-step #sb_timeview_container .timeline-wrapper .grid-weekly-inner .top-inline-steps .days-of-week .btn { background: transparent; color: contrast(@light_font_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); border-color: @border_slot_color !important; } #sb-timeline #steps #steps-content #sb_booking_content .datetime-step #sb_timeview_container .timeline-wrapper .grid-weekly-inner .top-inline-steps .parts-of-day .btn.active, #sb-timeline #steps #steps-content #sb_booking_content .datetime-step #sb_timeview_container .timeline-wrapper .grid-weekly-inner .top-inline-steps .days-of-week .btn.active { background: @sb_base_color; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } #sb_timeview_container .timeline-wrapper .grid-weekly-header .grid-weekly-header-item { background-color: @sb_base_color; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } .grid-weekly-item .data-trigger { color: @sb_base_color; } #sb-timeline #steps #steps-content #sb_booking_content .datetime-step #sb_timeview_container .timeline-wrapper .grid-weekly-table .grid-weekly-body .grid-weekly-row .grid-weekly-item.grid-weekly-button .btn { background: @sb_base_color; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } .invoice-pay-page #sb_invoice_pager_container .pagination-wrapper a { color: @sb_base_color; } //#sb_simplybook_terms_link:hover { // border-bottom-color: @sb_base_color; //} .membership-item.panel .btn-bar .btn.price-formatter, .item.panel .btn-bar .btn { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } .content-mode-list .title, .content-mode-list .title a, item.panel .title, .item.panel .title a { color: @dark_font_color; } .bar-flex-item.price:not(.service-deposit) .txt { color: @sb_base_color; } .panel .plugin-group-booking .active-count .plus, .panel .plugin-group-booking .active-count .minus { color: @dark_font_color; &:hover { background: @sb_base_color; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } .panel > .wrap-collapse-content .collapse-content .btn-bar-full-info .btn-hide, .panel > .wrap-collapse-content .collapse-content .btn-bar-full-info .btn-hide span, .panel .btn-bar .wrap-read-more .read-more .part, #sb-timeline #steps #steps-content #sb_booking_content .location-item.panel .address a { color: #337ab7; &:hover, &:active, &:focus { color: #23527c; } } .payment-modal .payment-system-container .payment-system, .payment-modal #sb_payment_systems_container .payment-system { &:hover, &.active { border-color: @sb_base_color; } } #membership-plugin #sb_membership_module_list_container.content-mode-list .membership-item .one-line > .btn-bar .btn.sb_cancel_recurring, #membership-view #sb_membership_list_container.content-mode-list .membership-item .one-line > .btn-bar .btn.sb_cancel_recurring { background: #F44336; color: #fff; } .phone b, .phone .txt-wrap, #content-view #contacts li .phone, .phone-number { direction: ltr !important; } .confirm-details { .btn { color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } @formThemeColor: @dark_font_color; @svg-group-booking: fade(@formThemeColor, 99.9%); @svgContrastColor: contrast(@sb_base_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); @svg-contrast-color: fade(@svgContrastColor, 99.9%); body { background: @body_bg_color; color: @dark_font_color; } html { &::-webkit-scrollbar { _background-color: @body_bg_color; } } .modal-backdrop, body.hasModal:before { background-color: fade(@dark_font_color, 45%); background: fade(@dark_font_color, 45%); } // Buttons #main #main-buttons .wrapper .inner .bar { .btn { &.book { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); a { color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } } } .is-widget { .btn { &.book { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } } #sb_booking_content .tab .btn.select { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); a { color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } #sb-main-container #main #client-login .custom-form .sign_button_wrap .btn { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); a { color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } #main .btn-danger { background: @sb_cancellation_color; } #main #steps #steps-content #sb_booking_content .detail-step .right-side #sb_multiple_booking_btn { color: @btn_color; } #main #sb-timeline #steps #steps-content #sb_booking_content .detail-step .right-side #sb_book_btn { color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } #sb_main { #sb-main-container { .return-btn, #sb_back_button { a { color: @sb_base_color; &:hover { color: @sb_base_color; } } .txt { color: @sb_base_color; } } } } #sb_main .invoice-deposit-info .btn { color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } .error-card .redirect-block .block .btn { color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); &:hover { background: @sb_base_color; } } .invoice-buttons-container { > div { .btn, .btn .txt { color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } } .timezone-modal.modal-dialog .modal-content .modal-footer .btn { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); a { color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } .empty-week-time-part .btn-next-week { .txt { color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } .back-to-site { .btn-primary { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } .btn.show-all { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } #sb_confirm_license { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } .paym-container { .btn-primary { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } // Company name .company-name { color: @sb_company_label_color; } // Titles .title-main, .title-section { color: @sb_base_color; } .txt { color: @sb_text_color; } // Links a { color: @sb_base_color; &:hover { color: @sb_base_color; } } // Social icons #sb_main #sb-main-container { .brand { a { &:after { background: @sb_base_color !important; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color) !important; } } } } .telegram-notifications--card, .alert-info, .alert-warning, .alert-success { background: fade(@sb_base_color, 30%); color: @dark_font_color; border-color: @sb_base_color; } .alert-danger { background: fade(@sb_cancellation_color, 30%); color: @dark_font_color; border-color: @sb_cancellation_color; } // Available slot #main { .sb-cell.free { &:hover { background: @sb_base_color; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } } // Homepage changes #schedule { .overview { tr { .day, .time { color: @sb_text_color; &.day-off { color: @sb_cancellation_color; } } } } } #contacts { .info { ul { li { .links { color: @sb_text_color; } } } } } #header #sb_menu { background: @body_bg_color; li { a { color: @dark_font_color; } &.active { background: fade(@sb_base_color, 10%); a { color: @sb_base_color; } } &:hover { a { color: @sb_base_color; background: fade(@sb_base_color, 10%); } } a:focus { color: @sb_base_color; background: fade(@sb_base_color, 10%); } } } #header .nav-wrapper { .items-wrapper { #sb_cart .cart-container .cart { background: rgba(@sb_base_color, 0.1) !important; .counter { background: @dark_font_color; color: contrast(@dark_font_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } .login-container { .avatar { background: rgba(@sb_base_color, 0.1) !important; } .full-info { #sb_login_form { .not-logged { .bar { .txt { .btn { background: @btn_color !important; } } } } .is-logged { .cap { b { color: @sb_base_color; } } .bar-with-btn { .sb-client-info-popup { background: @btn_color; } #sb_sign_out_btn { color: @sb_cancellation_color; } } } } } } .item-container { background: @secondary_color; } .nav-trigger { background: @sb_base_color; &.opened { span { background: @sb_base_color; } } span { background: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); &:before, &:after { background: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } } } } // Item (Services) #sb-timeline { // Reschedule layout .reschedule-layout { .reschedule--row { .reschedule--selected-list { .sb-details { .reschedule--selected-item { .reschedule--selected-title, .reschedule--selected-name { .txt { color: @dark_font_color; } } } } } } } #steps { // Timezone settings #time-settings { #sb_booking_company_time { .btn { background: @btn_color; } } } #steps-content { .step-content { .item { &.panel { border-color: @sb_base_color !important; .preloader { background: @secondary_color; } .info-bar { .ico { color: @sb_text_color; } a { color: @sb_base_color; .txt { color: @sb_base_color; } } .price { color: @dark_font_color; .txt { color: @dark_font_color; } } } .read-more, .btn-hide { color: @sb_base_color; span { color: @sb_base_color; } } @media (max-width: 480px) { .read-more { border-color: fade(@sb_base_color, 30%) !important; } } > .wrap-collapse-content { .collapse-content { color: @sb_text_color; } } } .tab { border-color: @sb_base_color !important; .provider-link, .preloader { background: @secondary_color; } .cap { color: @dark_font_color; } .txt { color: @sb_text_color; } .badge { color: @dark_font_color; } .service-bar__text, .service-bar__text a { color: @dark_font_color; } .service-bar__text a:hover { color: @sb_base_color; } } } } .datetime-step { #sb_dateview_container { .top-date-select { .header { .row > div[class*="col"] { .txt-right, .txt-left { .fa { color: @dark_font_color; } } } } .calendar { .inner.selected { background: @sb_base_color !important; } .weeks-date { .date.selected { background: @sb_base_color !important; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); .day-off { color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color) !important; } a { color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color) !important; } } } .weeks-name { .col-md-4 { .name { &.is-holiday { color: @sb_cancellation_color !important; } } } } } } } } #sb_timeview_container { // Modern timeline as table view .as-table { .timeline-wrapper { #sb_time_slots_container { .slot { a { background: @secondary_color !important; color: @dark_font_color !important; &:hover, &:focus { color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color) !important; } } } } } } .timeline-wrapper { .container-caption { color: @sb_base_color; } // Slots weekly #sb_time_slots_weekly_container { .data-col { .day-container { &.is-holiday { .date, .day { color: @sb_cancellation_color; } } .date, .day { color: @dark_font_color; } .border { background: @secondary_color; } } .time-container { .time-slot { .cell { &.free { color: @dark_font_color; &:hover { background: @sb_base_color !important; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } } } } } } // Modern #sb_time_slots_container .slot a { color: @dark_font_color; &:hover { color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } // Flexible #sb_time_flexible_container { .hour-line { .hour-head { color: @sb_text_color; } } .sb_time_flexible_hour_container { .time-slot { .cell { color: @dark_font_color; &.hovered, &:hover { background: @sb_base_color; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } } } } // Modern Provider #sb-time-classes-container { &.classes-plugin { .provider-container { .provider-col { .provider-item { .cell { background: @secondary_color; border-color: fade(@dark_font_color, 15%) !important; color: @dark_font_color; &:hover { background: @sb_base_color; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } .full-info { .close-full-info { background: @sb_cancellation_color !important; } .badge { color: @dark_font_color; } } } } } } .inner { .hour-container .hour-row { .time { color: @sb_text_color; } } .provider-container { .provider-col { .provider-item { .sb-cell { border-color: @dark_font_color; } } } } } } // Weekly classes .grid-weekly-inner { .top-inline-steps { > .row > div[class*="col"] { .parts-of-day, .days-of-week { .btn { &.active { color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } } } } #sb_time_grid_weekly_container { .grid-weekly-table { .grid-weekly-header { .grid-weekly-header-item { color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } .grid-weekly-body { .grid-weekly-row:nth-child(odd) .grid-weekly-item { background: fade(@sb_base_color, 10%); } .grid-weekly-available-slots { .slot--available-slot { color: @dark_font_color; } } .grid-weekly-serice { .tab-pd { .badge { color: @dark_font_color; } } } @media (max-width: 767px) { .grid-weekly-row { border-color: fade(@sb_base_color, 20%); } } } } } } // Flexible Provider #sb-flexible-provider { .inner { .inner-sidebar { .hour-line { .hour-head { color: @sb_text_color; } } } } #sb_time_flexible_provider_container .provider-col .provider-item .time-slot .time-cell:not(.breaktime) { color: @dark_font_color; &.hovered { color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); &:before { background: @sb_base_color; } } &:hover { color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); &:before { background: @sb_base_color; } } } } // Flexible weekly .flexible-weekly-inner { .hour-container { .time { color: @sb_text_color; } } #sb_time_flexible_weekly_container { .day-container { .date, .day { color: @dark_font_color !important; &.is-holiday { color: @sb_cancellation_color !important; } } .date { &.is-holiday { color: @sb_cancellation_color; } } } .time-container { .time-slot { border-color: @dark_font_color; &.hovered { background: @sb_base_color; } } } } } } } .time-legend { color: @dark_font_color; .available { .circle { border-color: @dark_font_color; } } .unavailable { .circle { background: @sb_text_color; } } .day-offset-warning { color: @sb_text_color; } } } } } // Group booking input / Product item counter #main, #sb_main { .active-count { .plus, .minus { background: @sb_base_color; &:before, &:after { color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } } } // Back button #sb_main #sb-main-container { #steps { #sb_back_button { a { color: @sb_base_color; } } } } // Navigation steps #sb-timeline { #steps-nav { ul { .step_info_item { &:before, &.passed + li:not(.passed):before { background: @sb_base_color; } &:not(.passed):before { background: @secondary_color; } &.passed + li:not(.passed) .content .title-small { color: @sb_base_color !important; } &:not(.passed) .content .title-small { color: @sb_text_color; } .content { .title-small, .title-sub { color: @dark_font_color; } } } } } } // Client login step #main { #client-login { #cs_register_or_login_tabs { ul { li { &.active { a { color: @sb_base_color; border-color: @sb_base_color !important; } } a { color: @dark_font_color; } } } } .to-sign-up { &__link { color: @sb_base_color; } } } } // Slot available #sb-timeline #steps #steps-content #sb_booking_content .datetime-step #sb_timeview_container .timeline-wrapper .slot--available-slot, #time_classes_time_container .sb-cell .slot--available-slot { background: @dark_font_color !important; color: contrast(@dark_font_color, @light_font_color, @sb_base_color); } // Form // Inputs .form-group, .timezone-modal, #sb_login_form { .control-label { color: @sb_text_color; } &.has-error { .form-control, .file-upload__wrapper{ border-color: @sb_cancellation_color; } } .form-control, input, textarea { border-color: @secondary_color; color: @dark_font_color; &::placeholder { color: @sb_text_color; } &:focus, &.not-empty { border-color: @sb_base_color; } } } .file-upload{ &__wrapper{ border-color: #e4ebf5; &.selected { border-left: 3px solid #4caf50; } } } #sb_additional_fields .form-group .control-label.required:after { color: @sb_cancellation_color; } .has-error { .help-block { color: @sb_cancellation_color; } } // Misc .has-error { .custom-checkbox .custom-label { border-color: @sb_cancellation_color !important; } } // Checkboxes #main .custom-checkbox, #sb_main .custom-checkbox { .custom-label { border-color: @secondary_color; } input:checked + .custom-label { border-color: @sb_base_color; &:before { color: @sb_base_color; } } } #main .has-error .custom-checkbox, #sb_main .has-error .custom-checkbox { input:checked + .custom-label { border-color: @sb_cancellation_color; &:before { color: @sb_cancellation_color; } } } #sb-main-container #main { #steps-content #sb_booking_content #details .product-attribute-section .product-list-view-wrapper #sb_attribute_list_container, #steps-content #sb_booking_content #details .products-items-list, #sb-timeline #steps #steps-content #sb_booking_content .paid-attribute-wrapper .paid-attribute-step #sb_attribute_list_container { .product-item .product-label:before { border-color: @secondary_color !important; } .item { .preloader { background: @secondary_color; } &.panel { .preloader { background: @secondary_color; } .info-bar { .bar-flex-item { &.price { .txt { color: @dark_font_color; } } .ico { color: @sb_text_color; } } } .read-more, .btn-hide { color: @sb_base_color; span { color: @sb_base_color; } } > .wrap-collapse-content { .collapse-content { color: @sb_text_color; } } } .badge { color: @dark_font_color; } } .product-item .product-label:after { color: @sb_base_color; } .product-item input.check:checked + .product-label:before { border-color: @sb_base_color !important; } } #steps-content #sb_booking_content #details .product-attribute-section .product-list-view-wrapper #sb_attribute_list_container .paid-attr__item.panel .bar-service { &__item { .ico { color: @sb_text_color; } .txt { color: @dark_font_color; } } } } #sb-main-container #main #client-login .client-login-bar { .txt { color: @dark_font_color; } } #sb_main .current-booking-info { .preloader { background: @secondary_color; } .cap { color: @sb_base_color; } .accordion { .title { color: @dark_font_color; &:after { color: @dark_font_color; } } } .booking-btns { .col-sm-12 { .sb_cancel_btn { background: @sb_cancellation_color; } } } } .subscribe-component--btn-bar .btn-bar--row .btn.btn-danger{ background: @sb_cancellation_color; } .subscribe-component--btn-bar .btn-bar--row .btn.btn-primary{ background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } // Invoice payment page #main { .invoice-pay-page { .tab { .invoice-pay-page-grid { .left-block { // Promotions instances .promotion-instances-list { > div { .promo-list-item { border-color: @sb_base_color !important; color: @dark_font_color; } } } .promo-code-input { .custom-form { .control-label { color: @sb_base_color; } .form-control { border-color: @secondary_color !important; color: @dark_font_color; &::placeholder { color: @sb_text_color; } &:focus, &.not-empty { border-color: @sb_base_color !important; } } .promo-btn { color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } } } .right-block { .section-pd { .info { background: @sb_base_color; .total, p { color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } } } } } // Invoices list .invoice-table { thead { background: @sb_base_color; th { color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } tbody { tr:nth-child(odd) { background: fade(@sb_base_color, 5%); } } } // Invoice pager #sb_invoice_pager_container { .pagination-wrapper { .arrow:hover, a:hover { color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } } } } // News page #news-index { .news-list { #sb_news_list_container { .article { border-color: @sb_base_color !important; .cap { a { color: @dark_font_color; } } } } } } #news-single { .article { .cap, .date { color: @dark_font_color; } } } #sb-main-container #main { #booking-result-tabs { .tabs-container { .tab-link { &.active { a { color: @sb_base_color; } } } } } // Memberships .filter { .title-main { color: @dark_font_color; } .filter-list { .form-control { border-color: @secondary_color; color: @dark_font_color; &::placeholder { color: @sb_text_color; } &:focus, &.not-empty { border-color: @sb_base_color !important; } } .sb_changed_filter_item { border-color: @sb_base_color; color: @dark_font_color; //.sb_remove_item:before, .sb_remove_item:after { // background-color: @dark_font_color; //} } } } #sb_membership_list_container, #sb_membership_module_list_container { .membership-item { &.panel { border-color: @sb_base_color !important; .preloader { background: @secondary_color; } .info-bar { .purchased { background: @sb_base_color; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } .ico { color: @sb_text_color; } .value { color: @sb_text_color; } } .read-more, .btn-hide { color: @sb_base_color; span { color: @sb_base_color; } } > .wrap-collapse-content { .collapse-content { color: @sb_text_color; } } } .tab { border-color: @sb_base_color; .purchased { background: @sb_base_color; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } .preloader { background: @secondary_color; } .active-container, .info-container { .btn { color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } a.price-formatter { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } } } } // Reviews #reviews-view { .reviews-toggle { .reviews-toggle__link { color: @dark_font_color; &.active { color: @sb_base_color; border-color: @sb_base_color !important; } } } // Add review #sb_reviews_add_container { .add-review { .form { .form-group { input, textarea { color: @dark_font_color; border-color: @secondary_color !important; &::placeholder { color: @sb_text_color; } &:focus, &.not-empty { border-color: @sb_base_color !important; } } } } .avatar { .info { .name { color: @dark_font_color; } } .logout { color: @sb_cancellation_color; } } .send-btn-container { .btn { color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } } } // Reviews list #sb_reviews_list_container { #sb_reviews_list_items_container { .review-item { .review-tab { .cap, .comment { color: @sb_text_color; } .delete-button { background: @sb_cancellation_color; color: contrast(@sb_cancellation_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } .review-likes { .like-count { color: @dark_font_color; } .vote-tooltip { background-color: @dark_font_color; color: contrast(@dark_font_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); &:before { border-bottom-color: @dark_font_color; } } } } } } } // Packages .package-content-page { .page-pd-package-content { #sb_package_list_container, #sb_package_client_instance_list_container { > div { .package-item { &.panel { border-color: @sb_base_color !important; .preloader { background: @secondary_color; } .info-bar { .ico { color: @sb_text_color; } .value { color: @sb_text_color; } } .bar-flex-item { &.package-list-short-pd { background: fade(@sb_base_color, 5%); } } .read-more, .btn-hide { color: @sb_base_color; span { color: @sb_base_color; } } > .wrap-collapse-content { .collapse-content { color: @sb_text_color; } .selected-package-list { background: fade(@sb_base_color, 5%); .package-list-item { color: @dark_font_color; } } } } .is-used { background: @sb_cancellation_color; color: contrast(@sb_cancellation_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); .txt { color: contrast(@sb_cancellation_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } } .tab { border-color: @sb_base_color !important; .preloader { background: @secondary_color; } .btn.select { color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } } } } } } // Gift cards .promotion-list { .promotion-step { .promotion-item { &.panel { border-color: @sb_base_color !important; .preloader { background: @secondary_color; } .promo-label { color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); .txt { color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } &.discount { background: @sb_cancellation_color !important; color: contrast(@sb_cancellation_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); .txt { color: contrast(@sb_cancellation_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } &.amount { background: @sb_base_color !important; } } .info-bar { .ico { color: @sb_text_color; } a { color: @sb_base_color; .txt { color: @sb_base_color; } } .price { color: @dark_font_color; .txt { color: @dark_font_color; } } } .read-more, .btn-hide { color: @sb_base_color; span { color: @sb_base_color; } } @media (max-width: 480px) { .read-more { border-color: fade(@sb_base_color, 30%) !important; } } > .wrap-collapse-content { .collapse-content { color: @sb_text_color; } } } .used-overlay { .text { //background: @sb_cancellation_color; //color: contrast(@sb_cancellation_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } .promo-label { color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); &.discount { background: @sb_cancellation_color; color: contrast(@sb_cancellation_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } &.amount { background: @sb_base_color; } } .tab { border-color: @sb_base_color !important; .preloader { background: @secondary_color; } .badge { color: @dark_font_color; } .btn-bar { .btn.select { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } .btn.select-by-bonus{ background: #fff; color: @btn_color; &.disabled{ color: @dark_font_color; } } } } } } } // Bookings result #booking-result-view { #sb_bookings_list { > div { .booking-item { .tab { border-color: @sb_base_color !important; .cap { color: @dark_font_color; } .booking-btns { .sb-book { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); a { color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } .sb-reschedule { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); a { color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } .sb-medical-test-download, .sb_add_to_cal { color: @sb_base_color; a { color: @sb_base_color; } } .sb_cancel_btn { background: @sb_cancellation_color; &:before { color: contrast(@sb_cancellation_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } } } } } } } // Inline datepicker .datepicker.datepicker-dropdown { table { th { color: @dark_font_color; } tr td { color: @dark_font_color; &.day { &:not(.disabled):hover, &:not(.day-off):hover, &.active:hover { background: @sb_base_color !important; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } &.active { background: @sb_base_color; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } &.today { background: fade(@sb_base_color, 30%); color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } } .month, .year { &.active, &:not(.disabled):hover, &.active:hover { background: @sb_base_color; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } } } .modal { .modal-dialog, .timezone-modal.modal-dialog { // Other misc modals .modal-content { .modal-header { .close { background: @sb_cancellation_color; span { color: contrast(@sb_cancellation_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } .modal-title { color: @sb_base_color; } } .modal-body { .calendar-popup { ul { li { .btn { a { color: @dark_font_color; } } } } } } .modal-footer { .tab-pd { #sb_cancellation_cancel { color: @sb_base_color; } #sb_cancellation_confirm { background: @sb_base_color; } //Cancel timezone modal #sb_cancel_button { color: @sb_cancellation_color; } } #sb_review_delete_confirm { background: @sb_base_color; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } #sb_review_delete_cancel { color: @sb_cancellation_color; } } } .get-gdpr-info-modal { .full-info { .close-full-info { background: @sb_cancellation_color !important; color: contrast(@sb_cancellation_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } .content { color: @sb_text_color; } .btn-get-report { color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color) !important; } } } // Modals for booking steps .full-info { .close-full-info { background: @sb_cancellation_color; color: contrast(@sb_cancellation_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } .preloader { background: @secondary_color; } } // Remind password modal, Client profile modal, Client profile edit modal #remind-password, #client-profile-preview, #client-profile-edit { .cap { color: @sb_base_color; } .close-modal { background: @sb_cancellation_color; color: contrast(@sb_cancellation_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } .bar { #sb_remind_btn { color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } .overview { .label { color: @sb_text_color; } .txt { color: @dark_font_color; } } .bar-with-btn { .btn-edit { color: @sb_base_color; } .btn-invoices, .btn-bookings, .btn-bonuses, .btn-primary { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } } } } .current-booking-info { .booking-btns { .modal-footer { .btn { background: @sb_cancellation_color !important; } } } } .modal-dialog { #sb_time_classes_service_container { .item { .preloader { background: @secondary_color; } .txt { color: @sb_text_color; } .badge { color: @dark_font_color; } } } #time_classes_time_container { .sb-cell { color: @dark_font_color; &:hover { color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } } } // GDPR report page #gdpr-report-view { .page-pd { #sb_gdpr_control_panel_container { .btn-primary { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } .btn-gdpr-report-logout { .txt { color: @sb_cancellation_color; } } } .main-gdpr-report { .btn-default { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } } } // GDPR popup form #sb_gdpr_email_form { .title { color: @sb_base_color; } .sb_gdpr_close_form_btn { color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } .sb_gdpr_close_form_btn { background: @sb_cancellation_color; color: contrast(@sb_cancellation_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } .content { color: @sb_text_color; } .btn { color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color) !important; } } // Client profile modal #client-profile-preview { .section-pd { .bar-with-btn { .btn { &.btn-logout { color: @sb_cancellation_color; border: 1px solid @sb_cancellation_color; } } } } } // Edit profile modal #client-profile-edit { .bar-with-btn { .btn { &.btn-danger { color: @sb_cancellation_color; } } } } #footer { #sb_scroll_top_btn { color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } // Addons step #sb-timeline #steps #steps-content #sb_booking_content .paid-attribute-wrapper { width: calc(100% + 15px); margin: 40px -15px 0; .paid-attribute-step { .product-item { border-color: @border_slot_color !important; &.selected { background: fade(@sb_base_color, 10%) !important; border-color: @sb_base_color !important; } .item-price { color: @sb_base_color; } } } .paid-attribute-footer { background: fade(@sb_base_color, 5%) !important; .btn.next { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } } .sb-client-fields { border-bottom-color: @secondary_color !important; } /// #sb_multiple_book_cart { .counter { background: @sb_base_color; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); //color: #ffffff; a { //color: #fffffe; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } } } .promotion-list .promotion-item .badge { color: @sb_base_color; } .promotion-item .select a { background-color: @sb_base_color; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } #sb_menu a { color: contrast(@body_bg_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); @media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) { color: #464646; } } .btn.book-btn { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); //color: #ffffff; a { color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); //color: #fffffe; } } #footer .copyright { color: contrast(@body_bg_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } #header .nav-wrapper .items-wrapper .nav-item#book-btn .book-btn-container .item-container { background: @sb_base_color;; } .modal-dialog .modal-content .modal-header { background: @sb_base_color; .modal-title { color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } } #booking-result-view #booking-result-tabs .tabs-container .tab-link { a { color: contrast(@body_bg_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } &.active { a { border-bottom-color: @sb_base_color; } } } #sb-timeline #steps-nav li:not(.passed) { .title-small { color: contrast(@body_bg_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } } #sb-timeline #steps #steps-content #sb_booking_content .detail-step .right-side #sb_book_btn { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); //color: #ffffff; a { //color: #fffffe; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } } .payment-modal #sb_pay_btn { color: @light_font_color; } #news-index .news-list .article .cap a { color: @sb_base_color; } //timeline colors .badge { background: @sb_base_color; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); &:before { border-top: 40px solid @sb_base_color; } &:after { border-top: 5px solid @sb_base_color; } } #main #main-content #sb_content #sb_product_container .sb-list-type.simple-list .product-item .item-data .badge { color: @dark_font_color; } #sb-timeline #steps #steps-content #sb_booking_content .datetime-step .header span { color: @sb_base_color; } .plugin-group-booking:before { background: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,'); background-size: 18px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: left center; } .service-item .bar-service .badge { color: @sb_base_color; } .service-item .bar-service .service-deposit .text { color: @dark_font_color; } .active-count .plus:before:hover { border-bottom-color: @sb_base_color; } .active-count .minus:after:hover { border-top-color: @sb_base_color; } .service-bar__icon .icon.icon-reccuring .fa.fa-refresh:before { background: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,'); background-size: 24px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: right center; } .tab.tab-col .read-more, .provider-item .read-more, .membership-item .read-more { color: @sb_base_color; } #sb-main-container .custom-checkbox input:checked + .custom-label { border-color: @sb_base_color; background-color: @sb_base_color; } #sb_membership_container .alert-info a { color: @sb_base_color; } .current-booking-info .btn.sb-ticket-download { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } .current-booking-info .btn.sb-ticket-download .txt { color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } .page-content--online-meeting .online-meeting{ border-color: @sb_base_color; } //RTL html[dir="rtl"] #sb-timeline #steps #steps-content #sb_booking_content .datetime-step .timeline-wrapper #sb_time_flexible_weekly_container .data-col .time-container .time-slot { border-right: inherit; border-left: 1px solid @border_slot_color; } // Theme main icons color .preloader, .photo, .provider-item .default, .empty-step__image, //.invoice-pay-page, .invoice-notifications, .error-card , .page-content--online-meeting .online-meeting__picture { svg { path[stroke] {stroke: @sb_base_color;} path[fill] {fill: @sb_base_color;} circle[stroke] {stroke: @sb_base_color;} circle[fill] {fill: @sb_base_color;} } } // Samesite cookies popup .samesite-cookies { background: fade(@body_bg_color, 70%); &__popup { background: @body_bg_color; &-btn { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); &:hover { color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } } &-link { color: @sb_base_color; } } } #sb-main-container #header .nav-wrapper #sb_menu .nav { &::-webkit-scrollbar { -webkit-appearance: none; width: 5px; border-radius: 4px; } &::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background-color: fade(@sb_base_color, 20%); -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); border-radius: 4px; } &::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color: @sb_base_color; border-radius: 4px; border: none; } &::-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch { width: 5px; } } .paid-attr__item .preloader svg { path[stroke] {stroke: @sb_base_color;} path[fill] {fill: @sb_base_color;} circle[stroke] {stroke: @sb_base_color;} circle[fill] {fill: @sb_base_color;} } .telegram-notifications{ &--modal { .modal-dialog .modal-content { .modal-header { .modal-title { color: @sb_base_color; } } } .close-full-info{ background: @sb_cancellation_color !important; color: contrast(@sb_cancellation_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } &--card{ .btn{ background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } &__btn-bar{ .btn{ background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } } .login-container__remember-check { background: @dark_font_color; svg path { stroke: contrast(@dark_font_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } .bonus{ &__count-row{ .icon{ color: @sb_base_color; } } &__count { color: @sb_base_color; } &__amount{ color: @sb_base_color; &.no-income{ color: #FF7993; } } &__table{ thead{ background: @sb_base_color; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); th{ color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); border-bottom: none !important; } } tbody{ tr{ background: transparent; &:nth-child(odd) { background: fade(@sb_base_color, 10%); } &:nth-child(even) { background: #fff; } } } } &__btn-bar--wrapper{ .btn{ background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } } } .tab.tab-col .excerpt-info .btn-bar , .tab.tab-col .excerpt-info .btn-bar { button.btn.select-by-bonus, a.btn.select-by-bonus{ background-color: #fff !important; color: @sb_base_color; &.disabled{ color: @dark_font_color; background: transparent !important; box-shadow: none; } } } .service-bonus, .info.bonus, #sb-timeline #steps #steps-content #sb_booking_content .service-item .service-bonus{ color: @sb_base_color; } .promotion-list .promotion-step .promotion-item .modal-dialog .preloader.img-full .default.img{ background: @secondary_color; } .promotion-list .promotion-item .modal-dialog .item__additional-info-action .promo-label__text, .promotion-list .promotion-item .modal-dialog .item__additional-info-action .promo-label__value, .promotion-list .promotion-item .modal-dialog .item__additional-info-action .used-label__text{ color: @dark_font_color; } .invoice-pay-page .promo-code-input .control-label .dropdown-menu{ color: @dark_font_color; } .payment-modal .payment-system-container .payment-system, .payment-modal #sb_payment_systems_container .payment-systemm, #sb-main-container #main .invoice-pay-page .tab .invoice-pay-page-grid .left-block .section-pd #sb_package_instance_container .accordion .accordion-header{ background: rgba(@sb_base_color, 0.10); } // Date field icon .calendar-toggle { &__icon path { fill: @sb_base_color; &:last-child { fill: none; stroke: @sb_base_color; } } } .sb-layout .promotion-list .promotion-item__tag .promo-label.amount { background-color: #64b5f6; color: #fff; } .pwa-app--btn:hover, .pwa-app--btn:focus, .pwa-app--btn:active{ color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } .pwa_install__button-link{ color: @sb_base_color; } .pwa-app--install-page .loader:before{ border-color: @sb_base_color; } // invoice-notification buttons .invoice-notification--pay, .invoice-notification.closed .invoice-notification--open{ background-color: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); &:hover{ color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); background-color: darken(@btn_color, 8%); } } .invoice-notification--close{ color: @sb_base_color; &:hover{ color: darken(@sb_base_color, 8%); background-color: rgba(@sb_base_color, 0.1); } } .invoice-notification--close-tooltip { color: contrast(@body_bg_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); background: @body_bg_color; &:after { border-top-color: @body_bg_color; } } // product shop catalog .step-content--product .item .badge{ color: @sb_base_color; background: unset; } .product-view--history_list{ border-color: rgba(@dark_font_color, 0.2); } .product-view--history_item{ color: @dark_font_color; } .product-view--history_item.passed:hover{ color: @sb_base_color; } .invoice-pay-page-grid_item.right-block .right-block--section-pd, .full-info.full-info--cart{ background: @body_bg_color; color: @dark_font_color; box-shadow: 2px 0px 20px rgba(@dark_font_color, 0.25); } .invoice-pay-page .invoice-pay-page-grid_item.right-block .right-block--section-pd{ border-color: rgba(darken(@dark_font_color, 100%), 0.15); box-shadow: 2px 0px 18px rgba(@dark_font_color, 0.15); } .product-delivery-container > div, .invoice-tips .tips-view, .invoice-pay-page.invoice-pay-page--select-pm .promo-code-input, .invoice-used-packages-list .accordion-wrapper, .full-info--cart_module .full-info--cart_footer, .btn-group .full-info--cart_item-count, .full-info--cart_item, .full-info--cart_item-product .btn-group{ border-color: rgba(darken(@dark_font_color, 100%), 0.2) !important; } .full-info--cart_module .package-use-credits-msg{ border-color: @sb_base_color !important; } .full-info--cart_close-btn, .full-info--cart_item-delete { background: rgba(#fff3f3, 0.1); color: #ff3259; } .full-info--cart_close-btn, .full-info--cart_item-delete:active, .full-info--cart_item-delete:hover { background: rgba(#fff3f3, 0.8); color: darken(#ff3259, 6%); } .full-info--cart_close-btn, .full-info--cart_item-delete:focus { background: rgba(#fff3f3, 0.8); color: darken(#ff3259, 6%); } .full-info--cart_item-product .btn-group .full-info--cart_item-action:hover, .full-info--cart_item-product .btn-group .full-info--cart_item-action:focus, .full-info--cart_item-product .btn-group .full-info--cart_item-action:active{ -webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(12px); backdrop-filter: blur(12px); background: rgba(@sb_base_color, 0.2); color: darken(@sb_base_color, 8%); } .full-info--cart_item-product .btn-group .full-info--cart_item-action:disabled{ cursor: not-allowed; color: #222 !important; background: #f8fafc !important; border-color: darken(#f8fafc, 6%) !important; text-shadow: none !important; opacity: 0.5; *{ color: #222 !important; } } .invoice-pay-page-grid_item.right-block .right-block--body table thead{ background: darken(@body_bg_color, 10%); color: contrast(@body_bg_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } .full-info--cart_header .title svg path{ fill: @sb_base_color; } .products-view--wrapper .step-content--product .item .preloader { background: @secondary_color; } .products-view--wrapper .step-content--product .item .btn-bar .btn{ background: @sb_base_color; color: contrast(@sb_base_color, @light_font_color, @dark_font_color); } .product-item.panel .btn-bar .wrap-read-more .read-more .part{ color: @sb_base_color; } .products-view--wrapper .step-content--product > div .item.panel, .products-view--wrapper .step-content--product > div .item > .tab{ border-color: @sb_base_color; } .duotone .fill, .product-item .preloader .duotone .fill { fill: @sb_base_color; } .duotone .fill-darker, .product-item .preloader .duotone .fill-darker { fill: darken(@sb_base_color, 8%); } .duotone .fill-darker-stroke, .product-item .preloader .duotone .fill-darker-stroke { stroke: darken(@sb_base_color, 8%); fill: none; } .duotone .fill-stroke, .product-item .preloader .duotone .fill-stroke { stroke: @sb_base_color; fill: none; } .full-info--cart_bookings .full-info--cart_list .full-info--cart_item-service .full-info--cart_item-image .default.img svg { path[stroke] {stroke: @sb_base_color;} path[fill] {fill: @sb_base_color;} circle[stroke] {stroke: @sb_base_color;} circle[fill] {fill: @sb_base_color;} } // time different informer on booking step .current-booking-info .info .date-line .dropdown-toggle{ color: @sb_base_color; } .filter--list-header{ color: @sb_base_color; border-color: @sb_base_color; background: rgba(@sb_base_color, 0.1); } .subscribe-component--popup .modal-content #booking-result-popup .modal-header .close-modal{ color: @dark_font_color; background: transparent; } .subscribe-component--popup .modal-content #booking-result-popup .modal-header .close-modal:hover{ color: #f44336; background: transparent; } .subscribe-component--status-icon{color: #f44336;} .subscribe-component--status-icon.status-pending{color: #e6eaef;} .subscribe-component--status-icon.status-pending{color: #e6eaef;} .subscribe-component--status-icon.status-reschedule_success, .subscribe-component--status-icon.status-paid, .subscribe-component--status-icon.status-delay, .subscribe-component--status-icon.status-success{color: #00D38B;} .go-to-admin__button { background: @btn_color; color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } .go-to-admin__button:hover, .go-to-admin__button:active, .go-to-admin__button:focus{ background: darken(@btn_color, 5%); color: contrast(@btn_color, @dark_font_color, @light_font_color); } .company-location .company-name{ color: @sb_base_color ; }